PS Vita ROMs

Have them all in ONE Vita Memory Card!


The PlayStation ViTA, or simply PS VITA, after 6 years of immeasurable success is still the best ViTA media carrier. You can listen to music using its built-in speakers or even through a headphone. And likewise, you can even watch movies or videos converted into PSV format. But the best thing that the PS VITA offers is that gives you the chance to carry the gaming experience that you’ve had with its predecessors through its gaming engine. There are hundreds of games that you can play on the PSV. Some games derived from the PS1 and PS2 are also available for the PS VITA using emulators and converters. The most famous by-product of these are the PSV ROM files.killzone ps vita rom download

            What exactly are PS VITA Roms? PSV ROM files are a compressed version of the typical ISO backup copy files. If you search the internet you will get a lot of hits and possibly a lot of downloadable files with the .psv extension. This is because game PSV game files are not the only files that can be converted into PS VITA CSO files. Texts, images, and even videos can be converted into PSV files to utilize more memory space. PSV cso torrent files are likewise available on the the internet. And most of these are free to download made by PS VITA fans for fans. Don’t forget to say thank you!

            But creating these PSV backups is fairly easy and no longer limited to expert hackers, given that you have the tools and know-how to make them. PSV Rom files creators use only a few minutes and viola, they have a much compressed, easier to load PS VITA game copy in their PSV, with more than enough space to store 2 or 3 more PSV cso files. Though the use of PS VITA Utility programs such as UMDGen 4.0, you can safely convert and compress your game files into PSV CSO files.

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            Make sure that you have an ISO File on your laptop or computer that you will convert into PSV Roms. Browse your ISO File using the PSV utility program and upload it onto the converter. Next is why PS VITA rom files are smaller and loads easier on the PSV. Click the properties tab and you will see the “Optimize Image” button. Clicking this will remove the update folder on the ISO and other padding files which causes the game’s size to increase. Padding out the ISO file will also help to load the games faster. You will also be able to see how much the PSV cso files are optimized.

            Now it is time to save it as a PS VITA rom. Click save and select the .cso format and browse for the save location. Pick the compression level that you want to use and wait for a few minutes and you now have a freshly cooked, compressed and optimized PSV roms! The compression level also helps in decreasing the size of the file. In the event that the game lags or gets other problems, try doing the process again and lower the compression level or upgrade your chip.